Non-complex aircraft - NCO

Cessna 10 on gravel

As of 25 August 2016, Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 amended will apply for non-commercial air operators with other-than complex motor-powered aircraft (further called NCO operators) with a principal place of business or residing in Switzerland or any EASA member state.

For the application, deletion or change of an approval according to EASA Part-ORO, Part-SPA or other changes to be handled with the FOCA according to the EASA regulations applicable to the type of operation, see Changes at Aircraft Operator.

To become compliant with the applicable requirements, the operator has to consider following regulation parts (Annexes) with subparts and the respective Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), the Certification Specifications (CS) and the Guidance Material (GM):

EASA Air Operations

  • Annex VII Part-NCO in full
  • Annex V Part-SPA where a specific operational approval is held or required   

EASA Part Air Crew in Annexes where applicable

Info: Regulation 2016/1199 introduces several alleviations. Especially interesting might be the changes regarding

  • Use of oxygen
  • Requirements upper torso restraints
  • Application for light twin turbo props

FOCA Guidance Material / Information to Part-NCO

Click on the link below to download the FOCA GM/INFO for NCO operators. The GM/INFO shall assist the operator in becoming compliant with the applicable EASA regulations.

Synopsis EASA Part-NCO

Marginal Activity

According to article 6 paragraph 4a(c) of the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 specific profit yielding activities under Part-NCO may be carried out:

(c) introductory flights, parachute dropping, sailplane towing or aerobatic flights performed either by a training organisation having its principal place of business in a Member State and approved in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, or by an organisation created with the aim of promoting aerial sport or leisure aviation, on the condition that the aircraft is operated by the organisation on the basis of ownership or dry lease, that the flight does not generate profits distributed outside of the organisation, and that whenever non-members of the organisation are involved, such flights represent only a marginal activity of the organisation.

FOCA has developed conditions for introductory flights and parachute dropping:

Important information: The introductory regulation for Commission Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 has not yet been adopted by Swiss law and may be subject to changes.

Scope of Utilization of the Aircraft

With the introduction of Part-NCO, changes to the practices of the previous equipment requirements for the respective flight operations (VFR, VFR night, IFR) are taking place.

The scope of utilisation of the aircraft, previously issued by FOCA, is being overridden by the new legal basis for an aircraft concerned by Part-NCO. The possible types of operation now directly result from the .IDE-provisions of the Part-NCO, respectively TCDS/AFM/AFMS (see Guidance Material). They no longer derive from the scope of utilisation of the aircraft.

Zulassungsbereich des Luftfahrzeuges

We therefore ask the aircraft operators to return their scope of utilisation to the aircraft registry at FOCA.

Thank you very much.


Further information


Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA

Section Training Organisations and Light Aircraft Operations

Tel: +41 58 466 70 07


Section Helicopter Flight Operations

Tel: +41 58 464 62 93

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